
Warmonger revival project pres

This articles includes tutorials for those proud owners of Holy Grail to reach full potential of your Warmonger sets (of course the potential is only limited by your imagination when talking about MM playsets), and explanation of why this Warmonger is the best Warmonger.

In short:

This Warmonger is by far the best version of Warmonger playset,

and possibly the best version ever existed for the foreseeable future.

We can even exclude a couple of obvious facts such as:

1. This is made by metallic molded ABS, which means it is totally playable ,unlike precious but fragile prototype/replicas. This fact along makes it no competition.

2. Whole-new designed complete outer box with full-color comics, along with instruction, numbered certificate, and exquisite portable case.

3. The probability to organized another Warmonger project with this magnitude (or any magnitude) in any place around the world is approximated to zero.


I personally participated in the project team. I offer my own Warmonger Himber replica version, which I aquired back in 2014, to the team. It was later being dismembered and 3d-scanned for the project. Other than that I also offered suggestions of design of Warmonger (說監製未免太過於自我膨脹XD 只是提供建議). To do that, I consulted with people including two of the original Mighty Max designer/sculptors: Dino and George from Chicago, one Warmonger-prototype owner from Netherland, and my friend Apostolos from Greece who had researched MM history for years. What's more, I collect hundred of photos of Warmonger online and studied them. Humbly put, all the design, newly-added features and alteration were made after careful and thorough studies. The goal is pursuing 100% restoration.


P.S. I wrote a review of Warmonger Himber-replica version back in 2014.

Here is the link.  

It's written in Chinese. But there are plenty of photos taken by myself. I strongly suggest you to read it and compare it with this one. 


Here we go.


1. Newly-design missile platform, adding spring into the launcher,

"Bull-istic missile"(name patent pending),

newly-added Max footprint to stand

Warmonger revival project pres


Platform can be located in this horizontal position, which is an important feature when playing.

Warmonger revival project pres

Of course it can be located in this vertical position, steadily. 

Warmonger revival project pres


Not to mention the "Bull-istic missile" (just came up my mind and I think it perfectly matches the MM style puns).

Warmonger revival project pres

Designed based on prototype photo (from ebay auction in 2019, see below),

the original style is kept, including metallic silver painting and purple eyes and horns.

Warmonger revival project pres

There is no footprint for Max to stand in all previous versions of Warmonger.

We added this spot and let Max to utilize weapon of enemy, just as he usually does.

Finally, we add a spring into the launcher to make it a fully-functional playable missile launcher.

Warmonger revival project pres


2.Pull-out dungeon interlocking with rotating axe inside

Warmonger revival project pres

In Himber replica there are two pillar-like thingy on the green wood floor (see photo above).

These two pillars are the same style as torturing bed in the upper floor.

So I guess they are for the same purpose: trapping or imprisoning Max.

Clue: the distance between two pillars is nearly exact width of Max figure's waist.

Warmonger revival project pres

You can pull out this dungeon door and make Max imprisoned. This is a hidden feature which is not written in the instruction.

I want you to try it because this feature takes a lot of work. The result is wonderful, you can put a Max here and then close the door perfectly.

Warmonger revival project pres


Silimar two-pillar scene which I mentioned (see below). 

Warmonger revival project pres

Inside the dongeon door there is skeleton, a secret detail I bet you won't find it.

Warmonger revival project pres


A dungeon exclusively made for Max.

Warmonger revival project pres


Door can be completely closed with a Max figure inside. 

Warmonger revival project pres


That's not all. The door interlocks with a rotating axe. You can hold the green lever outside and push and pull it smoothly.

I mean, so smooth that you will definitely admire the quality of the production.

When you push and pull it,

The sound it make.

The feeling passing through your finger.

The motion you see which the bronze tip of the axe fall perfectly in the hole outside.  


Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres

To me, the new definition of a perfect afternoon is : make a nice cup of tea, sink myself into a Eames chair, grab my Warmonger, and pull/push this door/axe interlocking lever for 987 times.


There is even a new perspect to see the face of Warmonger thanks to this smoothly-functioned axe.

You just open the jaw lid outside. And see inside through the mouth.

And then push/pull the door lever.

The waving axe is just like some kind of tongue in a wild and twisted form.

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres


3. Well-positioned horn stair

Warmonger revival project pres

In Himber replica, the tip of the stair cannot be position into the hole designed for it (see photo above).

Now the problem is solved and it is positioned perfectly.


Suggested way to assemble the horn stair (in this specific order):

1). Put the tip of the horn in the hole (in the purple wall) first. (see photo below)

Warmonger revival project pres

2). Then latch the upper end of horn stair with upper floor. (see photo below)

Warmonger revival project pres


That's it. Here is your steadly-positioned horn stair.

Warmonger revival project pres


4. Rotatable A-Mace-Thing

Warmonger revival project pres

I know A-Mace-Thing is a bad puns because it's not related to cow or bull. Please just indulge me.

This rotating mechanism includes two part: a coin-like lever interlocking with a mace.

The mechanism is plain and simple, too bad it was broken in Himber replica (see photo above).

This restoration is a no-brainer. But still it took us a lot of work. 



5. Well-positioned horn ladder

Warmonger revival project pres


Suggested way to position your horn ladder corrrectly (in this specific order):

1). Latch the top end of your horn ladder with upper floor first. (see photo below)

Warmonger revival project pres

2). In the base of the playset, there is a slot (see below, circled one) which is newly-designed for positioning the horn ladder. Position the tip of horn ladder in this slot.

Warmonger revival project pres

The ladder can be steadly-positioned now.

That's when you know the ladder is positioned perfectly when you see it vertical to the ground (base). (see photo below)

Warmonger revival project pres



6. Bonus Posterizing Monster

Warmonger revival project pres

I believe this red monster figure was not included in the original design.

But our team thought it would be fun to recreate the poster scene.

So we just made it! You can consider it as an extra bonus figure and add more possibility to play. 

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres


7. Footprint for Warmonger figure

Warmonger revival project pres

In Himber replica there is a set of footprint which I speculated belonging to Warmonger.

But it was not very specific and clear at that time, plus there are a lot of bubbles(defects when molding) on the floor.

This time we made it clear and official, now Warmonger has his own spot to stand.

Warmonger figure can stand (steadly, sort of lol) here with sword on his hand.


This feature enable another new perspect to see Warmonger, which I love it.

Remember there is another side door here (see below). 

Warmonger revival project pres


When you open the side door, you can see TWO side face of Warmonger, one small, one big.

This scene also implies there is a Warmonger inside Warmonger's head.

To me it's poetic.

Warmonger revival project pres



8. Adding spring to the jaw hatchet

Warmonger revival project pres

There was no spring for the hatchet in the Himber replica.

But our team noticed that there was a slot in the body of hatchet, which we speculated to be for spring.

That made sense to us, since a spring mechanism can be seen in many MM toy such as Doom Zones BattleCat (Hell Cat).

It does bring more fun when the hatchet is powered by a spring (but more parent guide needed).

Warmonger revival project pres


9. A rotatable rudder-blade combo 

Warmonger revival project pres

This feature includes two parts: a rudder thing and a blade thing.

Again sadly they were broken and incomplete in Himber replica.

I consulted with  Dino to see if there was some more complicate interlock mechenism here.

At one moment I speculated that the green torturing bed was supposed to interlock with the rudder, you rotate the rudder and the bed move.

Turned out such a complicate mechanism cannot be done here (due to lack of room).

So the rudder is simply connected with a blade-like thing. This one is confirmed by Dino and prototype-owner. 



10. Adding a footprint for Vigil to stand

As photo below. 

Warmonger revival project pres


11. Optimization of the overall structure

Warmonger revival project pres

There are a lot of technical details here, let me just point out 3 spot:

A) The two upper floors form a perfect horizontal line when open. (see photo above)

B) Horn stair can be positioned steadily. (as mentioned above)

C) Horn ladder can be positioned steadily and vertical to base. (as mentioned above)

That my friends, is the accurate way when open and display the main shell of this Warmonger.

To achieve A & B & C all three at the same time, that took the team a lot of work and repeated test.

You will admire the precision, just as the way you admire all the existed Mighty Max playsets.  


Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres

Warmonger revival project pres



Warmonger revival project pres


To all the project supporters, owners of Holy Grail,

Team host Alex had already said thank you in the certificate and instruction inside the Warmonger case.

What I want to add is, congratulations.

You ceased the chance, grabbed a piece of history, and became legend yourselves.

Someone said it was a "leap of faith" in the moment when this project was uncertain and doubtful. 

To me, I leaped in 2014 (Himber replica project), I leaped again in 2024 and this time I leaped even deeper.

If someone ask me "Will you leap for Mighty Max again in the future?",

I'll say:

Anytime, every time, all the time.


Warmonger revival project pres

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